Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Coming War

In Aleppo (Haleb, if you will), there is a coming conflict (some may even say it has already started).

It's not between the Christians and the Muslims, who actually seem to get along quite famously (Aleppo is about 20% christian).

No, the current conflict, barely contained beneath a thin veneer of calm and good feeling, is between two slightly less traditionally combative groups: the followers of yoga and the Pranic healers.

That's right: a significant portion of the youth of Aleppo do yoga. Another significant, but distinct, group of young Aleppans do Pranic healing. And they hate each other.

From what we could gather, the yoga people think pranic healing is a lot of crap, and the pranic healers think that yoga is crap for thinking they're crap. apparently, it's come close to blows.

as an interesting sidenote, we do now have a pamplet all about pranic healing in arabic.

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